The original reason I took up photography was to document some of the little details in my everyday life. The little things in life are really important to me and everyone else for that matter, so I really don’t want to neglect this side of the art for weddings or other commissioned based photo work.
I do not go a day without drinking some sort of tea or coffee (the latter in moderation). I tried the Thai iced tea with Fuji Superia 400.
All photos taken in Portra 400 and Fuji Superia 400 with the Contax 645.
~Nicholas Lau Photography~
Dev/Scan: UK Film Lab | Icon: Watercolour
28th April 2016
Thanks Meghan!
24th May 2016
this looks delicious! I can practically smell the tea.
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Looks very appetizing. The lighting on the tea is very soulful. And the cream marble literally compliments the creaminess of the film.